March 20th is known as the International Day of Happiness. It is a day dedicated to promoting genuine happiness. Since 2012, the United Nations has declared the 20th of March as the day the world will be intentional about our happiness and well-being by promoting sustainable development and global peace. The day was conceptualized by Luis Gallardo, the President of the World Happiness Foundation, in collaboration with Jayme Illien, the founder of “Happytalism.” The pair partnered with the United Nations from 2006-2017 to run campaigns to encourage and advance the importance of happiness, well-being, and democracy before it was established as an official day. When the UN General Assembly convened to adopt the day, they recognized that happiness is a “fundamental human goal” and that this day calls for” a more inclusive, equitable, and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples.”
Happiness is an important part of our daily lives, and when we are happy at work, it can lead to greater happiness in our overall lives. Being happy is not just a state of mind but also a way of life that requires our commitment to it. However, it’s not always easy to maintain happiness, especially when any day can be a new challenge and finding a good work/life balance can be difficult. To help you achieve happiness at work, here are four effective ways that you can try.
Be happy with your work
When we love what we do, we can’t help but love who we are. Our work defines us, and what we do for a living can tell the world much about who we are. That’s why it is essential to be happy with where we work, who we work with, and, importantly, the type of work we do. Considering we spend so much time at work, why not be happy with the work we do as it correlates to our professional happiness?
Just be
The concept of “just be” seems foreign in a time when we are always on the go, doing something, keeping busy, or trying to be productive. The act of “just being” is the idea of being in the moment. Taking a few minutes or however long it takes to be present. Mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-care are part of the practice of “just being.” When we can “just be” ourselves, we calm ourselves and allow happiness to flow. We ignore the noise of the day, the past, and even the future. We can allow ourselves to “just be” in the moment of the present; we can be intentional about being happy at work or wherever we are.
Scientific proof exists that dancing leads to happiness. Dancing reduces cortisol levels, which is a natural stress hormone. When we dance, our brain releases dopamine and endorphins. These neurotransmitters create a sensation in our body that makes us feel good and happy. Dancing is therapeutic; you can do it any time, such as dancing at your desk with your colleagues or shaking away the jitters you may get before a big presentation. Dancing is like a rush of happy feelings. The more you dance, the happier you could feel. The best part about dancing is that you don’t have to be good at it to feel the good and happy vibes you get.
Resting is not to be confused with “just being .”Resting is when you allow your body to restore itself. Rest is restorative, and your body needs it to be. When we are intentional about resting, that restorative rest can lead to happiness. When your body is well rested, it is well enough to experience all there is to life, including happiness.
While it is crucial for organizations to ensure their work culture contributes to their employees’ happiness, employees also need to have the tools they need to help govern their happiness, as happiness is a personal emotion to manage.
International Day of Happiness is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the parts of your work that bring you happiness and what you can do to make your work environment a happier experience. A happier world is a better world!