Having a strong sales function for your business provides a better chance of gaining market share, improving revenue and profits.
The best sales teams must unite and use their combined skills to understand how to put forward their best selves and make convincing arguments for the product or service.
Invest in an experienced agency
Having an experienced sales agency in your arsenal is a foolproof way to ensure you will increase your sales. Agencies with years of experience, like Credico, put all of their efforts into genuinely understanding their clients’ needs and using those years of experience with both B2B and B2C to their advantage. Experienced agencies provide the best talent and know the “tricks of the trade” regarding markets and consumer buying patterns. Credico has spent years building data and offering bespoke marketing and sales strategies depending on precisely what their clients need at any time.
Keep an eye on your competition
Sales agencies are competitive places to be, which is not a negative. Businesses must simply find the right balance between competition and teamwork.
One way to ensure no hostile competition is to make the competition only with yourself. For example, instead of competing exclusively with one another using sales leader boards, each sales rep can remain focused on beating their own previous individual results. That way, the team and agency can continue to cheer each other on and make continuous solo improvements – everyone wins.
Develop a recognition culture
Do you know anyone who doesn’t love to be praised by their manager? We didn’t think so.
A Gallup survey of more than 10,000 business units and 30 industries found that individuals who receive regular recognition and praise:
- increase their productivity
- increase engagement among their colleagues
- are more likely to stay with their organization
- receive higher loyalty and satisfaction scores from customers
- have better safety records and fewer accidents on the job”
Praising the great work your sales team is doing is not just motivating, but it has been proved time and time again to boost productivity.
Prepare for the unexpected
Granted, it’s unlikely that many businesses could have known a pandemic would hit in 2020, and those businesses that did survive worked incredibly hard to thrive in the conditions.
Without a doubt, most businesses will now have backup plans ready to implement if something of similar nature was to occur again.
However, preparing your business for barriers that may get in the way of success is not always as extreme as a pandemic. Other factors such as seasonality and new competition are something for which there should be a strategy in place; planning ahead for what’s known will allow you to be more nimble in the face of the unknown.
For example, if you know your business is more successful in the summer months, increase your capacity to exceed your expectations in those months. In your slower months for business, reduce your capacity (you can do this by reducing the number of outsourced salespeople). Don’t be too hard on yourself if the targets aren’t exceeded. Businesses should prepare for seasonality and not let it affect morale and confidence in their industry.
Develop your team
To ensure a successful sales team, your business must ensure that they are continually improving and looking into where there are gaps in sales and why these may be. Your sales teams can educate themselves on closing these gaps with this information.
In some cases, these may be due to a difference in the expected target market and the actual market. Sales efforts can then be adjusted to adapt to the updated market knowledge.
On the other hand, you may find that one sales team is outperforming the other. Suppose this occurs; the best thing your business can do is allow the better performing team to coach the other so that all salespeople are at an excellent standard and know to continually learn from each other’s successes. In that case, this makes for wonderful workplace culture, too!
Get in touch when your business needs to increase its sales.