Disability Pride Month: Reaching and Including All of Your Customers

Everyone deserves to be seen, recognized, and accommodated - in July, we recognize and celebrate the strength and influence of people with disabilities, because representation matters to us all.


July 1, 2024


Events, United States

The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in June 1990. Now commemorated each year with Disability Pride Month, the movement recognizing disabled Americans has since expanded around the world. While we are proud of the progress that has been made to include individuals with disabilities, make no mistake that people who live with disabilities have been part of our lives, our communities, and our world since well before 1990.

The estimated population of the United States is 341.7 million people, with approximately 42.5 million Americans having a disability. The World Health Organization has called this “the world’s largest minority,” as an estimated 15 percent of the world’s population live with some type of disability. Disability Pride Month, held in July, celebrates and raises awareness about the existence and experiences of people with disabilities. Following Pride month in June, it’s a great opportunity to build upon the same energy and recognition for another group of Americans who also deserve to be acknowledged, celebrated, and treated equally.

Disability Pride Month celebrates disability culture with the intention of progressively influencing the way civilization thinks about, perceives, and defines disabilities. The goal is to put an end to stigmas surrounding disability by fostering greater understanding. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for people with disabilities to be visible and proud of their identity, emphasizing that disability does not define them.

Everyone deserves to be seen and treated equally, especially in business. Businesses have a responsibility to market to their target audience, which includes individuals who are disabled.  Here are three ways companies can market to all of their customers.


Hiring Practices

The employment and income statistics for disabled individuals reveal a significant disparity compared to non-disabled individuals. In 2021, disabled individuals had a median income of around $28,438, while non-disabled individuals earned nearly double that amount at $40,948. Approximately 4% of employed Americans had a disability the following year. Hiring disabled individuals is more than just right and fair; it also positively impacts the public perception of your company. How? Building a team that mirrors your customer base becomes a form of marketing. This inclusive approach is a crucial display of trust that should never be underestimated or undervalued – representation matters to everyone.


Physical Accessibility

When marketing to all of your customers, it’s important to ensure everyone’s needs are met. Assisting and providing accommodations to those who may have difficulty walking, memory or decision-making issues, or vision and hearing issues helps ensure that all potential customers can access your business and feel welcomed. And that includes our future selves! Statistically, there is an 8% chance of becoming disabled by age 35, a 12% chance between ages 35-64, 30% at 65-74, and 46% at age 75 and older. As we age, the likelihood of becoming disabled increases, so accommodating your disabled customers is also accommodating your family and your future.


Digital and Online Accessibility

We live in a digital world that demands everyone get on board with the digital wave. There is a strong business case for accessibility, as it can enhance your brand, drive innovation, and extend your market reach. Additionally, depending on where your business is located and who you are marketing to, there are legal obligations your business may be required to follow for digital accessibility! Inclusive digital marketing starts with actions including adding alt text to the pictures you use, using easily understood language, and ensuring visual contrast meets accessibility guidelines. Closed captions for your videos and even sign language are another step you can take toward including everyone. Ensuring your digital content includes disabled individuals all year, not just in July, isn’t just good business; it’s the right thing to do.

At Credico, we do business with people who may be different but are our valued colleagues, clients, customers, and fellow humans. Disability Pride Month is important to us because, while not all disabilities are visible to the naked eye, there are no superhumans. Everyone deserves to be included and accommodated. Everyone is different in some ways, and we are all special and worthy of inclusion.

Happy Disability Pride Month! Celebrate differences. Celebrate you!


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